Wednesday, December 5, 2007

More info on the Classic/Nano menu bug

After the 3.6.2 release, it turned out some people were still seeing the menu bug.

The bug is that songs added by SharePod are visible but not selectable in the iPod menu.

After some more investigation, I have found the field which the new iPods expect and that SharePod 3.6.2 doesn't create. A beta has been released to a number of people with 100% success rate :)

3.6.3 will be out hopefully tonight!


Unknown said...

does the beta work with 1.0.2 and/or 1.0.3 firmware?

Jeff said...

I assume so - Apple doesnt usually change the database format with firmware.

I just got the 1.2.3 firmware on my iPod Video and it works fine.

geofffhall said...

Im afraid still not working for me Jeff