Wednesday, March 5, 2008

SharePod 3.7

SharePod 3.7 is out :)

New features:

  • View-only Album Art support! (Full read-write Album Art will be in the next version)
    • The album art is displayed in the Track Edit window.
  • SharePod should now be able to detect your iTouch/iPhone if you are using appropriate mounting software (iPhoneFS etc).
    • Should be able to view your songs, and hopefully add/remove them too.
    • Please post on the forums if you have tried v3.7 with your iTouch/Phone.
  • Fix for iTunes import: sometimes tracks were put into the wrong playlist. This was caused by some versions of iTunes interpreting the import xml file differently.
  • Generally faster load times


sepuk said...

how to install in itouch??i have read you instruction in your website & its puzzle i need to create a folder in my itouch or just simply drag the whole file from zip file to itouch & run sharepod.exe.pls i'm using imtoo ipod computer transfer.

sepuk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi Jeff. Been trying to get the album art working today. Does the jpeg need to be named something in particular? Doesnt seem to be working for me. What am i doin wrong!!!

Keep up the good work fella. Legend!

TayManG said...

Hey Jeff, Sharepod rocks. None of us can deny that ;-)

I know you're a busy dude, creatin all this useful stuff, but hey someone's gotta do it right?

I just wanted to let you know of a few minor problems / suggestions that hopefully you can address

- (probably the worst) It seems like whenever I try to import songs TO my ipod, it always hangs and then either freezes copying everything BUT the last track, or it simply says "an error has occured" with some exception number and then i can't get out b/c the copy window doesn't have any close option lol. I'm using a 4th Gen with vista.

- Why can't I scroll by typing a letter? I have 30 gigs of music here...i dont want to scroll or even use page up/down. If I hit a letter, it will rename the song. This is really annoying, as there is no undo and sometimes, i dont even know what song it is!

- Also, it says on your website that I can drag songs on to the main window...But I can't? as soon it hits the sharepod window it turns into a circle with a line through it.

polvadis said...

Thanks for the great work. I have great respect for people like yourself that have such talent and knowledge and use it to help others.

Can't wait for the new art work feature, finally my new iPod Classic will have something on the screen besides the gray empty box.

Thanks again.

lepoisson said...

I can't get sharepod to work yet. I have 60Gb video Ipod and no matter if I opern sharepod from Pc or if I put it into my Ipod folders I keep getting this message which, once closed, closes the programme.

Your iPod database could not be read


The Artwork database could not be read.
(Error at 0xDFA7C)

- mhod expected, but mhii found

Please let me know what to do. I need to move music from my Ipod to my pc.


Paul said...

Whenever I go to run SharePod 3.7 I get the old "iTunes has locked the database, please wait for it to finish syncing" message.

I have recently formatted my computer and started again (without yet installing iTunes [really don't want to have to]).

Is this a bug, or do you have to have let iTunes talk to the iPod at least once? Sharepod seems a little pointless if this is the case.

I know this wasn't the case with version 2.

I have Windows XP (32 bit) SP2 fully patched.
iPod 80GB 5.5 Gen.

Anonymous said...

i have a iphone 1.1.4 with Ziphone 2.5
I would like to help you has to use sharepod on a iphone but I do not know how to make

fire said...

Hi , i have run now iphoneexplorer and my touch has the driveletter K: i start sharepod and then comes this message :Could not obtain a handle to the iPod device.Whats wrong pleas help me .I will use Sharepod.

Unknown said...

Hi Jeff,
I wanted to use your Sharepod to download podcast when I'm at office (where I cannot install any program) and listening them on the way home.
So Sharepod would be a great solution for this problem but I do not have administrator rights so I could not use it.
Are you planning any further version solving this problem?


polvadis said...


Sharepod does not need to be installed. You simply run it from the iPod itself. Even on your locked down PC at work you can just plug it in, wait for it show up as an external drive and then open the Sharepod application.

Unknown said...

When I start Sharepod from the Ipod, a window pops up with the following message:

Could not obtain a handle to the iPod device. Please see

And then the program ends.

In FAQ site they say that it is related to the fact that I am not the administrator.

Thanks for your attention.

polvadis said...

Sorry Luca. My computer at work is locked also but Sharepod works just fine.

Anonymous said...

Sharepod - nice software.
Am trying to delete some old podcast files and Sharepod complains -
operation not allowed.
you cannot delete podcast tracks.

Is there a workaround ?

wall-E said...

Hi.. Just recently downloaded your program and i must say that you did a great job. It doesn't mess up my Ipod Nano 3g like some other Ipod Explorer.

BTW, how do i transfer videos to my Ipod Nano? Do i just copy it via "Copy to IPOD"?

DanK said...

Sharepod is awesome, install was so easy and quick. a def must have software for any ipod owner

sara said...

I have a ipod nano and i have used sharepod to copy all the music from it to my pc. Then i tried sharepod with my iphone 1.1.4 jailbreaked to put all the music i got back in it and it didn't work. Sharepod didn't recognize the iphone as a ipod.
I'm looking forward

Anyway you do great job i i thank you for that !!!

Vic H. said...

hi! i love sharepod! probably the best solution for when you buy a new computer. the only thing is, I have a major problem. for some reason, all the artwork disappeared and I have to keep clicking on the songs to get them back, and then it only appears on the first song. also, how do I manage to get split albums back together? for some odd reason an album will be split up with one song all by itself and the rest in another. help? it's an iPod nano chromatic (newest) and it's a windows vista. I use the latest iTunes. since I just downloaded sharepod yesterday, I'm assuming it's the latest too.
thank you so much for creating sharepod! eternally grateful. I don't know how you'll answer to this, but my email is