SharePod will be supporting the latest iPods very soon (within 2 weeks!).
Thanks to wtbw's example c++ code for the new database format, it is being ported to SharePod as I write this :)
If you have a new iPod and want to be a SharePod beta tester, please email me!
*Edit: Please stop emailing me about beta testing :) I have had lots of responses (thanks!) and dont need any more at this point!
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I'd Love to beta test the new one, Just send me an e-mail at
Hey I have your 3.5 version of Sharepod. I started to transfer my songs from the ipod to PC but once it has completed about 100 songs its unable to transfer the other 3600 songs. Each file says "the parameter incorrect". What does this mean and how can I work around this problem? My email is
Hey Jeff! I'd like to be a beta tester. I have a 160GB Ipod and i don't like iTunes.
Please if i can help to test the new version, send me a e-mail:
jces888 [@]
I forgot to mention.. remove the "nospam" part from my e-mail :P
Within 2 weeks, sweet!!
I will happily donate once this is working on my touch, it looks like a great program, if not the best, of all iTunes alternatives!
I DON'T want to be a betatester! Sorry, couldn't resist...
I reset my 30GB 5G iPod Video about two weeks ago and haven't been able to edit any tags using SharePod since then, getting the Database error. I hope this is the issue you are working on, as this is one of the features I've been missing since it's been gone. Keep up the great work, I still don't want to betatest Sharepod though, so quit asking me!
Using the latest 4Gb (Yeah, im cheap!!)and would love to beat test, anything to avoid itunes!!!
Where can i find your email??
sorry I dont know if this is an appropriate place to ask this question...but sharepod isn't playing AAC files through the media player...any ideas?
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